My Heart melts whenever she smile

Wednesday 28 January 2009

I think I'll just follow his advice

Ask a question at yahoo answer!

That's what I get
One of the answer:

Silver, I'm going to be the bearer of bad news, here. This girl is clearly not interested. "busy" is clearly an excuse. Women have been conditioned by us men (especially the needy and desperate types) to never actually come right out and say "no". She thinks that she is sparing your feelings. What she does not realize is the level of confusion she is causing you. If I were you, I would stop asking her out and look elsewhere. This one is not worth the effort, and you are only hurting yourself and your chances with several good girls who WOULD give you the time of day by focusing on this one "fox". I am sure that she is beautiful, but remember this: if she is beautiful, SHE CAN HURT YOU if you let her. If she were truly interested, she could make at least one hour of room in her "hectic" schedule. But as it is, Silver, you're to her what the Cleveland Browns are to the NFL playoffs: on the outside...permanently.

When she tells you that she's busy, you should say, "Well, that's understandable. Call me when you're free." And then forget that she exists. After all, she's pretty much done the same to you.

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