So it's the crucial 12.5 hours before the SPM 2008 results are released.
Right now most of the SPM candidates will be pretty nervous, knowing that a big part of their future life depends upon those letters printed on that semi-transparent piece of paper issued by the Ministry of Education.
Amidst the tides of well-wishers and other encouragements, one can't help but to hope against hope that the results will be none other than the coveted straight 1A's. The obvious reason behind this hope is the years of drumming by parents and teachers and friends alike about the importance of obtaining good grades, if not excellent ones.
So, one would definitely hope for the best when he/she opens the results slip tomorrow morning.
(if the person has the guts to go early to face the facts)
The immediate reaction upon setting one's eyes upon one's grades could range from that of astonishment or pure joy to that of dismay and distress. Some, however, give those around them a know-it-already-cos-i-expected-it kind of look.
Those who practice good self-restraint would probably bestow a beaming smile to those around.
Those who are more expressive would pump their fists in the air and whoop or scream (in delight or disgust)
Still others may go on a high-fiving spree around the school office and staffroom and end up hugging the principal. (oh dear)
Then there'll be those who hang their heads and look like they're destined for the gallows.
Or they may burst into uncontrollable tears and wail in anguish.
Or they may choose to kick the bucket (extreme case - irrational thinking)
However, the results are actually waiting in the school office, just to be kept there until the appropriate time, which is about 12 hours and 19 minutes from now.
At least, that's what I hope.
I don't hope that the results will be delivered to the school by mail tomorrow morning because that will DEFINITELY cause delays.
And after what I've heard about the STPM results (dragged till 2 pm.. =.=). erm.. please.. NO.
And of course.. I have to congratulate all my friends who just received their STPM results yesterday upon their FANTASTIC performance. :D
*wishing them all the best of luck in their future undertakings*
Now back to tomorrow.
To be in school by 10, that is the aim.
Traffic jams beware.
12 hours and 12 minutes more.
(Copyright By Isaac Tay)
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